After the skeletons aired their dirty laundry yesterday it was time to have some fun.
The 100th season of the NHL begins this evening.
Even though the skeletons favourite team don’t play until tomorrow evening,

….it’s fun to lace up the skates and take a few practice shots.

Even our new featherless friend caught the spirit and kept a watchful eye from his perch. “WHO” is he?
Happy 100th Birthday NHL & the Toronto Maple Leafs (the skeletons 2nd favourite team)
The skeletons made the local news section of the Stratford Beacon Herald, October 12th!
~ Melissa
0 Responses
Wait a minute! Isn’t that Chara from the Bruins on the right?!
Hockey Skeletons…only in Canada!
LOL! Perhaps we should have done this scene during our snow showers!