It’s a perfect day to ‘stay home, stay safe’, hang out in your jammies, and enjoy the gifts around the tree.

What’s special about today’s Skeleton scene is that shows about 25 different clues as to what the skeletons might be doing over the 28-day lockdown.
Can you find them all?

Some clues are in the tree or disguised as presents underneath, or the Skeletons might be wearing them.
Write them on a list – but please don’t post the clues so you don’t spoil the answers for other skeleton fans.
How many can you find?

Sunday morning Skeleton Fun to test your Skeleton knowledge. How many Skeletons are in this photo? Can you name them all?
What are the names of the missing skeletons?
Hint #1 The human bones – their names are on one of the picture clues…

No lump of coal this year…Santa brought me my own block of cheese!
Have fun and keep smiling!