When is the last time you sent a card or letter in the mail? We live in such a techy world it’s a treat to receive a personal note in the mailbox.

Can you brighten someone’s day today with a card? Or a note to say ‘Hello’?
A friend, neighbour, or a family member?

It’s a novelty for a young child to receive a card just for them!

Treat was busy writing birthday cards in the sunshine today. The Skeleton dogs were excellent cardholders. Today’s clue was the card in the Christmas tree.

A nice sunny walk to mail the cards and get some fresh air. Trick got caught wearing his flannel jammies to the mailbox.
No judgment during lockdown!

Oakley the Beagle is not too impressed with how quickly the Skeleton dogs are taking over his home.

Did you see the last full moon of the decade? It is referred to as the Cold Moon or the Long Night Moon, and around 10 pm there was a very cool ring around it called a winter halo. This moon ring happens when clouds high in the atmosphere refract the moon’s light to form a perfect circle.
Have fun and keep smiling!