Enjoying some greenery and fresh flowers can brighten any room as well as our spirits on a grey winter day!

Amaryllis with their spectacular blooms thrive on minimal care. Impatient to be planted, these bulbs have already started to grow inside the box.

Trick wonders if he is wearing green gardening gloves does that mean he has a green thumb?
Gardening gloves and amaryllis bulbs were in Day 2 clue photos under the tree.

Paperwhites are so easy! Plant them in a few stones and add some water so it almost touches the base of the bulb.

Which amaryllis do you think will grow better? The one planted in soil or the one in the water? Let’s watch their progress together!

The skeletons planted the bulbs now to enjoy ‘winter in bloom’ in January and February.

Promise in a pot! Pumpkins can’t wait for the paperwhites to bloom.
Do you have any bulbs planted at your house? Show us a photo in the comments below!
Have fun and keep smiling!