How are you recycling your Christmas Tree this year?

Curbside pickup is available from the City of Stratford from January 11 – 15th on your regular waste collection day.

Christmas Trees are awkward to move when you are lacking muscle!

The Nature Conservancy of Canada suggests leaving your old tree in your backyard to provide important habitat for bird populations during the winter months.

Or, get the family involved by redecorating the tree with delicious decorations that will provide food for the birds while they find shelter in the tree.

What a fun activity to do with your family and then enjoy watching the birds feast on homemade treats. There are lots of fun and easy recipes that can be found online. Wild Birds Unlimited

Pumpkin the Rat was very helpful in keeping the production line moving.
Oranges are a sweet winter treat, but Pumpkin still prefers cheese!
Have fun and keep smiling!