Skeletons are getting ready to support the pizza fundraiser for 12-year-old Katana Krantz battling leukemia and waiting for a bone marrow transplant.

On Tuesday, January 26, 2021 (11:00am to close) when you call to place your order at New Orleans Pizza, Stratford, say “It’s for Katana”.
50% of all pizza proceeds will be donated to Katana’s family to help with the costs of staying at Sick Kids Hospitals in London and Toronto. Donations can also be made at Sprucedale Public School, Shakespeare (519-625-8722).

‘O my Luve is like a red, red rose
That’s newly sprung in June;
O my Luve is like the melody
That’s sweetly played in tune.’
Today is Robbie Burn’s Day! With the help of MacLeods Scottish Shop, the Skeletons are ready to celebrate! Pumpkin is hoping to try some haggis.
MacLeods Scottish Shop storefront is currently under renovation but they are still open for deliveries. Please email the store Support your friends and neighbours.
Shop Local. Eat Local. Love Local

Pumpkin is practicing his deep breathing… he’s getting ready to pipe in the haggis!
Keep smiling and wear plaid today!