Day 4, 2017 – Ride the Tide in the Maritimes

The boat has been repaired and the Skeletons are continuing their Maritime adventure travelling through the Northumberland Strait and enjoying Canada’s three smallest provinces.

Bones and Reaper, traumatized by yesterdays sinking ship, preferred to be lighthouse keepers, while the others fished for dinner.

A visit to Anne of Green Gables is a must for anyone visiting PEI!

As far as Pumpkin is concerned, Timbits are the only item that should be packed in a picnic basket…

Aye! Aye! Captain Scowly!

Catch of the Day!

Add a trip to the Maritimes to your bucket list.  There is so much to see and do in Atlantic Canada.


Special thanks to Neil Anderson, Lighthouse Massage Therapy for the lighthouse!!

Thank you to Bevin for being the official supplier of rocks and icebergs for the Skeletons.

Thanks to Don and Marion for the PEI items, as well as, Madeleine for today’s setup.



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