The Skeletons enjoyed an outdoor game of Scrabble today despite the high winds blowing their tiles around.
Why do I always get stuck with the letter ‘Z’?
Yes!! Triple letter score… 29 points!
Even Spidey dropped in on the game!
Scowley the Owl is a little perplexed about what word he can create…
The little pets got in on the word fun for a total of 18 points.
The most important word in this Scrabble game for everyone to remember… ‘SMILE’ – 31 points.
How do you spell Doritos? Pumpkin the Rat stashed his game snacks in his Scrabble bag.
Thank you to:
Diane for playing Scrabble with me in the dark this morning,
Todd, Bob, and Luis for making the letters and
Lisa K for the Scrabble advice.