January 10, 2021 – National Houseplant Appreciation Day.
Really we aren’t making this stuff up… !

The Skeletons thought that ‘it’s about thyme’ they start giving their houseplants some TLC.
Did you see the succulent clue under the tree on Day 2’s puzzle?

Thyme to trim the herbs! Fresh basil and thyme will definitely be added to today’s salad!

Let’s measure the amaryllis today. Look at them grow!

Even Audrey II was brought out for some sunshine.
The Skeletons’ bones shook with fear when they discovered Oakley-the-Beagle’s collar in Audrey’s mouth and couldn’t find the dog.
Can you find Oakley?

Ouch, this Agave is sharp!
Fun Fact – Agave is also referred to as a needle and thread plant. If you pull out the sharp needle, long threads are attached and can be used for sewing.

I’m a SUCCA for love… (and cheese)!
Keep smiling… Life is so succulent!