The Skeletons stayed safe at home yesterday on the first day of Ontario’s emergency stay at home order.
They kept amused looking at all the “humerus” pet photos that skeleton fans shared and playing online Bingo.

With snacks and dabbers ready, they were prepared to take on the Stratford Active Adults Association during their weekly online Facebook Bingo Game.

Please call N43 !!

BINGO !! Oh My Gourd We WON !!
Well we thought we did, but the skeletons were quickly informed that we were playing for a “7” card not a single line.
We didn’t win, but had lots of fun!

The city is opening up the virtual bingo hall to anyone who wants to play Tuesday Jan 19th, 3pm.
Go to the City of Stratford’s Facebook page to register. It is a lot of FUN for any age.
Due to COVID, we all have to think up new ways to spend our time safely at home. Check out what your community and different businesses have to offer.
This is a great time to try something new.

Now here is a test for you.
Two of the skeletons are missing 2 key components. Can you find what they are missing? Email your answer to
We will have a draw for the correct answer Saturday morning and the winner will receive a Skeletons Coffee Mug. Good luck!!
Keep smiling and have fun!
Thank you to Lorraine W for lending the skeletons her bingo supplies!
Also thanks to to Jeff Otten, the Official Bingo Caller and organizer of this weekly game.