Day 22 – Plaid for Dad

The Skeletons of Vivian Line are proud to promote Plaid for Dad, one of the initiatives of Prostate Cancer Canada.

The Skeletons are starting to grow moustaches for Movember.

Movember raises awareness of men’s health issues like prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.

Gord and James Steed, and Steed Standard Transport are proud supporters of the Prostate Cancer Canada’s annual Plaid for Dad campaign.

Gord is a Prostate Cancer survivor and together with James is helping Prostate Cancer Canada raise awareness.

Skin-Ann reminds Trick the importance of getting checked!

Prostate cancer can be done with a blood test, or the finger test.

1 in 7 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime.

It is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in Canadian men.

The skeleton dogs love the special ‘Plaid for Dad’ socks.

This skeleton antic is dedicated to the memory of Bob Taylor who passed away from prostate cancer in October 2003.

Special thanks to James Steed for all the flannel props except for the plaid bustier supplied by Mel McK (same initials but not me!!).

Thank you to Diane for early morning set up.


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