No bones about it, the Skeletons of Vivian Line are very experienced with lockdown protocol. They are only allowed out of their storage closet each year during the month of October, and spend the remaining 11 months tucked away planning their rib-tickling antics.

But whispers have been heard inside the closet over the last week leading up to Christmas. And with the recent announcement of Ontario heading into a 28-day province-wide lockdown starting December 26, the Skeletons’ chatter has become increasingly more pronounced.
A letter pinned to the closet door of their maker, Melissa McKerlie, reads: “Starting this Boxing Day, the Skeletons of Vivian Line will partner with the City of Stratford to bring 28-days of photographic giggles for online viewers of the City to enjoy while at home.”
The Skeletons Trick, Or, Treat, Skin-Ann, Bones and their pets recognize how important it is to respect our community’s health recommendations and rules. Unlike the Skeletons’ Halloween adventures, they will NOT be on display at their headquarters on Vivian Line. Instead, they will post to social media all the fun things they intend to do during lockdown including inside adventures and venturing, as a family unit, to different locations across the city for enjoyable, outdoor activity.
“We understand how tough the next four weeks may be for everyone,” notes Brad Hernden, Manager of Recreation and Marketing. “In the spirit of staying connected while keeping it safe, we’re simply thrilled to use technology to entertain, and bring the Skeletons back to us in a virtual way.”
For those who would like to keep up with the Skeletons: 28-Days in Lockdown, and to share ideas on what you may be doing during the lockdown, visit the Skeletons of Vivian Line Facebook and Instagram pages, and here on our website. As the Skeleton’s supporting partner of the program, the City of Stratford will also share McKerlie’s posts to its Facebook page.